I Help Online Coaches and Influencers Build A Wildly Profitable Business

To Give You The Life You Love To Wake Up To.

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Hi, I'm Chris.

Most of the time I like to think of myself as an entrepreneur obsessed with helping you build an online business and life you love..…

Because I sucked at precisely that for so long. As a father of four daughters, happily married to my wife Lauren for over 10 years now, and very thankfully living and traveling around the world for the past 9 years, I recently sold my multi-million dollar coaching business.

It would be cool to say that it’s been a dream during this journey so far. But I’ve been through depression, suicidal ideation, anxiety attacks, and many sleepless nights trying to figure out how to live my best life.

Click here to read my essays as I document and openly share my process for building my partner portfolio, currently doing over $21M a year.

If you’re not a subscriber to my weekly newsletter than I invite you to join 12,453+ other smart coaches and influencers as I share an easy and proven way to build a wildly profitable business around your ideal lifestyle.

Want To Join Us?

Join 12,485+ smart coaches for behind-the-scenes insights into what we’re using to grow our 8-figure partner portfolio.